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Alivio Medical Center has Administered Over 7,000 COVID-19 Vaccines

Alivio Medical Center has proudly administered over 7,000 COVID-19 vaccines to its patients and community in the southwest side of Chicago and suburbs.

Alivio has two vaccination sites, one in Pilsen at their Senior Center at Casa Maravilla and one in Berwyn in partnership with the PAV YMCA.

“We are extremely thankful for the heroic work our staff has done during the pandemic and the vaccines are giving us the hope that we have been waiting for,” said Esther Corpuz, CEO of Alivio Medical Center. “Our staff has stepped up to the challenges we have faced as an FQHC serving primarily the Latino immigrant community, which has been disproportionately affected by coronavirus.”

Alivio is one of 950 community health centers receiving COVID-19 vaccines directly from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the CDC in efforts to ensure the country’s underserved communities and those disproportionately affected by COVID-19 are equitably vaccinated against COVID-19.

In order to make vaccines accessible to its patients and communities it serves at all digital literacy levels, Alivio launched an online scheduling platform on their website, a texting feature and continues to make appointments by phone.

“Alivio’s team is cognizant of the barriers to access many in our community are facing,” says Esther Corpuz. “I am proud to have a team that has always kept patient access at top of mind and have ensured that our community can make vaccine appointments by phone, text and an online scheduling.”

Eligible individuals looking to schedule a vaccine appointment at Alivio can do so in the following ways:

  1. Online Scheduling at
  2. Text PAVYMCA to 773-305-6064. One of our representatives will call you within 24-48 hours to verify eligibility and schedule your appointment. Currently this option is only available for the PAV YMCA site.
  3. By phone at 773-254-1400